In the header or footer area, select the page number. Microsoft decided to give us yet another confusing feature, and who asks for this stuff anyway? The culprit is in the View tab under Tool Options. We can't move up any further and there's no header space showing, even though we know we have a one-inch header up there. Sections / Headers and Footers in Microsoft Word 2007-2013. I need help to prevent this from happening my other documents. My problem is NOT related to this, since even printing the document after the header's disappearing act does not reveal it again. Disappearing Header and Footer, unrelated to white space display. Open Microsoft Word and open any document or create a new one. This is normally caused by an accidental click and is simple to fix. Sometimes in word you will go to edit a document and find the Header and Footer are missing. The process is a bit different if you want to delete a header or footer on the first page of your. This is handy if, for example, you want to hide the header or footer on a specific page. You can remove or make changes to headers or footers on any page in Microsoft Word.
To accommodate your hurried desires, you can quickly shove such a preset header or footer into your document. Most Word 2016 documents use typical headers and footers, placing common information into one or both areas. Header And Foot Disappearing Microsoft Word Mac 2011.